Taking Notes Using an Outline # 7011

Name:__________________________________ Date_______________________________

There is so much information included in textbooks or lectures that you must have a way to include only the most important. This strategy teaches you how to arrange information in your notes in an organized way and quickly identify the main ideas and supporting details of a lecture or reading selection.

1. Refer to the sample outline below.
2. The section or chapter title will be the title of your outline.
3. The headings/topics of a chapter are the headings of your outline and are designated by      Roman numerals.
4. The subheadings/subtopics of a chapter are the main ideas and are designated by capital      letters.
5. The supporting details within main ideas are designated by Arabic numerals
6. The subdetails within the supporting details are designated by lower case letters.
I. Heading/Topic
A. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
a. Subdetail
b. Subdetail
B. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
Directions: Read and highlight the text below, “Pompeii, the City Left Asleep for 1500 Years.” Then prepare a simple outline on this.
I. Heading/Topic
A. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
B. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
3. Supporting detail
4. Supporting detail
5. Supporting detail
6. Supporting detail

II. Heading/Topic
A. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
B. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
a) subdetail
b) subdetail
c) subdetail
2. Supporting detail
a) subdetail
b) subdetail

III. Heading/Topic
City Now Alive___________________________
A. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
B. Main idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
Pompeii, the City Left Asleep for 1500 Years

Picture in your mind a major city bustling with 20,000 people. Now, hear a violent explosion of the volcano long dormant within that mountain. As your picture changes to one of death and destruction, would you assume that soon after the eruption ended, people would rush to unearth the treasures of that city? Believe it or not, no one disturbed Pompeii for the next 1500 years! Today you will learn about the disaster of Pompeii and its remarkable aftermath.

The Eruption
In spite of the fact that Pompeii was built upon the hardened lava from a past volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy, its citizens were unaware of the potential for disaster. They built mansions, traded and enjoyed their lives in that picturesque setting.
In 79 A.D., this long dormant, or inactive volcano erupted again. First, an explosion sounded loudly enough to be heard for miles. Next, lava cascaded down the mountain onto the lavish homes of Pompeii. Then, ash and pumice stone covered the city, followed by a fierce electrical storm that blocked out daylight. Gaseous fumes then killed any remaining life. Finally, in the days after the eruption, rain hardened the pumice stone and ash and buried the city under eighteen feet of paste-like crust.

The Discovery
In 1748, when excavations of the ruins of Pompeii finally began, the preservation was the most remarkable of its time. Remains of 2000 of the 15,000 Pompeians who had perished were found in near-perfect condition. It was found that the ash cover had hermetically sealed, kept out oxygen and other decaying elements, from Pompeii for more than 1500 years. Not only were intact skeletons found, but evidence that the catastrophe took them by total surprise was also discovered. For instance, eggs lay unbroken, jugs held still drinkable wine, and half-eaten meals remained untouched on their plates. The remains of people were found in various stages of action, almost certainly surprised by what was befalling them. An example was a mother and her daughter found holding one another in a last tight embrace. An illustration of misguided priorities was a man discovered standing with his arm outstretched, holding a sword. He had one foot on a pile of gold and five men lay at his feet. The conclusion was that he had slain five men and was threatening the sixth because he was defending his wealth even as he himself was dying.

Once Again, A City Alive With People But . . .
Today, Pompeii is again a bustling city. Three-fifths of the ruins have been excavated and restored, and treasures, both tangible and historical, continue to be uncovered. The magnificence of Pompeii intrigues and draws millions of visitors from around the world. People also again live on the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius. This time, though, its citizens know that another eruption is possible. However, we can be confident that no disaster will lay uncovered for fifteen hundred years; CNN would be there long before then!
From: Study Strategies Made Easy by Davis, Sirotowitz & Parker. Specialty Press, Inc. All rights reserved. This form may be copied for use in your practice.